Little Claybelt Homesteaders Museum
New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada
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Claybelt Tapestry

Claybelt Tapestry
Weaving the Past
Volume 3

Claybelt Tapestry series is a collection of little-known or forgotten happenings, endeavours and businesses in the early South Temiskaming District. Many businesses or institutions are no longer with us, and so documenting their existence provides a unique view into the area's history.

Knowledge of many of these little-known or forgotten happenings, endeavours and businesses in the early South Temiskaming District is now only remembered by a ever-decreasing number of seniors. The files of the Temiskaming Speaker were invaluable in chronicling some of these activities.

No attempt was made to re-write some stories. The Fire of 1922 is covered extensively in the book The Great Fire of 1922 [ISBN: 0-88954-413-1]. Northern Telephone's history is covered in Northern CallingThe Northern Connection: Ontario Northland Since 1902 [ISBN 0-921801-83-1]; and A Century of Travel On The Ontario Northland Railway [ISBN 0-9730521-1-2].

The Museum has shared what we know so that many of these stories are not totally forgotten. Any corrections or additional information can be sent to the Museum, where we can keep the documentation together, preserving our past as accurately as we can.

If you would like to order one, download this PDF form and mail it in with payment, or call a Museum director at 705-647-5580 or 705-679-5555 to get your copy. They are available at the Museum's Gift Shop, open in the summer while the Museum is open, other times by appointment. Available year round online at White Mountain Publications, and in store at 50 Silver Street, Cobalt, ON

Table of Contents | Index for this volume

ISBN: 978-0-9921605-8-6 | 8½" x 11" | 96 pages | photos, maps and illustrations | trade paperback | $30.00

Table of Contents

3 Introduction

6 A Town is Born

8 Chevalier Pierre de Troyes' Commando Raid

12 History of Some of Our Local Rural United Churches

Hillview United Church, Hillview

Hudson Baptist Church, Hudson Township

Alexander Memorial United Church, Milberta

Trinity United Church, Sutton Bay, Harris Township

Thornloe United Church, Thornloe

Hanbury United Church, Hanbury

Uno Park United Church, Uno Park

Leeville-Henwood Church, Cane and Henwood Townships

The Church of the Stranger, Elk Lake

Trinity United Church, Earlton

Hilliard United Church, Hilliardton

McCool United Church, Kerns Township

Zion Lutheran Church (1912--2008), Chamberlain Township

Earlton Gospel Hall

27 Craven Rock Trust

29 Woman from McCool Remembers What It Was Like In Thirties

31 Devastating Hurricane

33 Earlton Extreme Weather Records

34 Farming Around New Liskeard, The Agricultural Centre of Temiskaming 1908

36 Farming around New Liskeard, The Agricultural Centre of Temiskaming 1909

39 Good Friday 1913 -100th Anniversary of the Storm

42 Local History Quiz #1

43 Local History Quiz #2

44 Lac Temiscamingue

49 Ice Break-Up of Lake Temiskaming

50 The Letter From World War I, Corporal George Wilson Brayman

56 The Markham Excursion to Temiskaming - 1897

71 Ode to the Cream Can

72 The Pioneer Timber Trade

74 Shepherdson Basket Works, Shepherdson Road, New Liskeard, Ontario

78 Temiskaming and What We are Doing (1944 Report)

86 Torrential Rains June 26, 1930 Cause Much Damage in Temiskaming District

88 Tri -Town Drive-In Theatre

90 Uno Park Butter and Cheese Factory

92 Index