Little Claybelt Homesteaders Museum
New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada
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Claybelt Chronicles ~ Volume NINE

Claybelt Chronicles Vol 9

In 2006, we started interviewing our Temiskaming seniors to capture their stories and help keep the history of the area alive with as many first-hand accounts as possible. We've worked hard to help our area's history come alive through the voices of those who were there. These books contain interviews with our seniors who have connections with the pioneer families who first came to the area between 1880s and 1940s. Each volume contains interviews and a photo taken at the time of the interview or from some other source. These books are very popular and widely-sought after. This is the final book in this series.

If you would like to order one, download this PDF form and mail it in with payment, or call a Museum director at 705-647-5580 or 705-679-5555 to get your copy. They are available at the Museum's Gift Shop, open in the summer while the Museum is open, other times by appointment. Available year round online at White Mountain Publications, and in store at 50 Silver Street, Cobalt, ON

Go here for the INDEX to this volume.

ISBN-13: 978-1-989293-01-0 | 8½" x 11"
168 pages; trade paperback | $30.00

Volume NINE includes the interviews from the following seniors:

Words of Introduction From The Editors

The Interviews Continue:

Bailey, Ronald David

Bowman, Laurel (née Anyan)

Breault, Myrna Margaret (née Bumstead)

Bush, Muriel Rhena Marie (née Maillé)

Carleton, Elizabeth (Betty) Ann

Connors, Joan Adele (née Edwards) Martindale

Després, Therese Muriel (née Villeneuve)

Drinkill, Deanna Margaret (née Andrews)

Dufresne, Terena Jane (née Peddie)

Graydon, Peter Hendrick

Graydon, Sharron Christine (née Wadge)

Griese, Barbara Helen (née Peddie)

Howe, William Douglas ('Bill')

Jelly, Douglas Hugh

Katona, Marjorie Eleanor (née Jarvis)

Lachapelle, Roland

Loach, Bruce Lawrence

Loach, Donald Glenn Percy ('Glenn')

Palmer, James Elburn ('Kye')

Rivest, Marie Louise (née Gagne)

Runnalls, James ('Jim') Baker

Scott, Robert Earl

Taylor, Eric Frederic

Venne, Lionel Alcide Joseph

Watson, Cecile (née Audette)